Our Humanity United Food Truck provides a mobile food service and training facility. The food truck provides the 1st step for re-engaging marginalised youth back in with the community through volunteering, training and social cohesion activities delivered on their turf.
The Humanity United Food Truck plays a pivotal role at our Street Fests providing loaded fries and chicken wings coupled with fun volunteering and training opportunities.

Street Festivals
The Street Fests are mobile street parties/festivals that include a range of street arts - [graffiti, hip hop, rap, dance battles]. Our Humanity United Food Truck provides the food for the public with training and experience opportunities. The Street Fests provide multiple volunteering, participation and community engagement doorways, which help build self esteem and community connections.

be HEARD takes our Street Fests to the next level. In the community inclusive environment of our Street Fests providing free food, music and activities and the creative expression of our Freedom Writers, be HEARD is designed to provide marginalised young people in our community with an opportunity to have their voices heard. Street interviews within the Street Fest setting with young people sharing their thoughts, aspirations, goals, challenges etc on video. With the approval of the young people their voices are shared through social media as well as written up and presented to decision and policy makers to be more aware of the lived experiences, thoughts and aspirations of under represented young people.
Through urban street arts disengaged marginalised young people find a voice.
Through finding a voice young people find themselves.

Share aFEED
"Pay what you can"
Share a FEED provides the opportunity for individuals and groups to take up an active role in building a more cohesive supportive community, whether it's simply by eating lunch with the diversity of people that make up our community and paying a little extra to help out someone else who might not be able to afford to eat or by volunteering or even sponsoring feed events.
Everyone can make a difference!
Share a FEED aims to create the opportunities to enable individuals and groups to make a difference in accessible ways.
The Share a FEED events also provide a great platform for service providers to reach the local community with the information or services they offer in a relaxed, welcoming, inclusive setting.